星期三, 4月 23, 2008

A Poetic excerpt for Iris and Dorie and other girls who like photography

It was a lesson in vision and in a way of seeing, but, more fundamentally, lesson in blindness and in seeing with and through blindness. To even begin to close with the significant moment, the photographer must learn to become invisible. Poeple are blind to his or her presence. The closing and the moving into position are in response to far more than visual perception, since the crucial energies happen beyond vision, in the realm of feelings and instincts. What the photographer 'sees', most people do not see, precisely because they are seeing only with the eyes. In the moment of capture, of course, the photographer is literally blind. The release of button is pressed by a finger wired to a complex of energies, the shutter closes, and for an instant the critical moment, the critical five-hundedth of a second perhaps - the photographer is in darkness. He or she only 'sees' the image when it emerges later in the darkroom. The moment and its image have been anticipated, and the image is not the product of sight, but of prescience, prevision, that vision that 'sees' into the futre. It is a seeing in blindness, the soul's gaze. The photographer is figured, or prefigured, by Tiresias, the blind seer. And he photograph is the archive of the invisible.

From A Shaft of Darkness: Derrida in the Archive Fever - Verne Harris

4 則留言:

iris 說...

thanks a lot my dear.
i love this excerpt!

sheungyee 說...


這不是從archive fever節錄的,這篇文是Verne Harris解讀archive fever跟derrida另外一本書Memoirs of the blind: the self-portrait and other ruins,取至書Reconfiguring archive。我有影印,整篇文很詩意,讀得開心,你想讀也給你影。而我已向圖書館request左 Memoirs of the blind. 裡面derrida應該就是講了很多way of seeing/blindness.

千萬不要讀archive fever,唔關事架,而且好難好難,讀過這些導讀我會再挑戰!

Memoris of the blind到手後,你考完試來我家看書啦!

sheungyee 說...

should be refiguring archive.

iris 說...

wa wa :)

ho ah!! i chatted with wendy about derrida too.

i miss you, add oil meanwhile :)
i'm trying to get a shutter cord which enables us to take self portraits.

Let's play together soon!