星期二, 2月 12, 2008


"Your mind is against what you are doing, it is pulling you - you are in a hurry. And the woman has a slow pace. She is a far more delicate mechanism, and her whole body is erotic. Man is poor in that way. Only his genitalia is erotic; the whole body is just attached to the genitalia to keep it functioning. (couldn't help but to hahahahaha)

But the woman's whole body is erotic. Naturally, the whole body takes a longer time to start vibrating with joy, to start feeling the warmth. By the time she starts feeling anything, the man is snoring. He has finished the job, closed the file, fallen asleep - no only that, he is snoring. Many women have told me that after making love they cry and weep. Who would not cry and weep with this type of man? The woman has not come, and the man is finished....

You will call a man an idiot who drinks a coup of tea in one gulp and is finished. He will burn his mouth, the tea is wasted. He does not know how to drink tea; it has to be sipped, not gulped!

Go slowly. Wait for the moment when the woman is also ready, and allow the woman her womanhood. Please, take away this label of lady. Let her also be active, because if she is active, she will be coming sooner to the point of orgasm. With her lying dead you cannot hope....

And remember the third thing: when the orgasm has happened and you both are so full of joy, then the last part of it is still to be completed - the appendix, the afterplay. The woman has givne you so much joy, the man has given you so much joy, yet without even saying thank you to each other you go to sleep, with no gratitude. The only way to show your thankfulness is to play with the woman's body again - afterplay - and let the woman play with your body ....

And don't think that only prostitutes are active and only prostitutes play with your body. Every woman would love to play with your body but is afraid she will be thought of as a prostitute. And can't you see a simple fact, that people who have beautiful women as their wives still go to prostitutes. For what? Because among prostitutes there are no ladies ... "

Sex matters, Osho, p260-261

