星期四, 6月 07, 2007

i am fine

safe n settled, didn't get into the wrong plane, collected all my luggages, didn't miss a piece, tres bien!
thx for all the messages including that piece of shit, it has only proved what kinda person she is, i am gd, those tender hearts know me well, like how i love n care for them, i gone through darkness, but i am still hopeful, i will see what time will bring me to, i will see, love u all, will be able to update soon hopefully. n, i hate french keyboard!

6 則留言:

海海 說...

salut! dearest

try not to hate but enjoy everything french la, be positive, tho paris is not lovely at all..hehe.

匿名 說...

Sachant que les mots sont capables de ne duper personne, comme une bande-aide couvrant une blessure trop profondément pour saigner....

ceci desusa...

匿名 說...

je t'aime..

with distance

ceci desusa

sheungyee 說...


do i know u? i dunno french :p, can u translate? i understand je t'aime only, i am sorry.

匿名 說...

email me your address
will post you stella's book once the samples arrive
take care and have great fun there!

匿名 說...

enjoy slow mo and the sweeet weather!