星期四, 5月 01, 2008


不化妝,至多是淡妝。穿襯衣的。頭髮很短的。或將長頭髮簡單梳個髻或隨便挽著的。會在車廂裡讀書的。寫得一手好文章的。愛自己的工作的。正面。擁有可愛的一面但不是假裝的。袋子大大個。不賣弄性感,即是不會在facebook裡上載那些clubbing穿很少擺出有辱女性尊嚴的甫士的照片。拍照不會單起眼豬嘴。去玩去瘋打扮都懂得點到即止不失有型的。穿衣切合場合身份,好看跟正常的(你知正常係幾難,自己趕時間都常常唔正常便出街)。有自信的。少講是非。生氣也會爆粗,爽朗直率的。疼惜家人的。擁有古怪的思想或興趣。有才華。成熟。喜歡hello kitty不是問題,但不會所有用品都是那隻貓。閒時不顯露但其實骨子裡也幾少女。有品味。卻仍樸素。言之有物。懂得獨處,不黏人。會輕鬆地分享性生活的。謙虛的。能幹(即刻冧哂)。有個性,即使是倔強硬頸都可以,有個性能叫人記住已很好。敢作敢為。敢愛。勇敢的,暗戀別人會自動表白。坦白。膽大,明刀明槍,即是就算是搶人男友都唔會扮野個種我會好欣賞(例子:章小蕙)。有咩得罪會直接講,不會亂攪小圈子。古銅色皮膚的。不自我中心,會聆聽也會說。有禮的。聰明非常緊要,略為bitchy都ok。適當程度的牙尖嘴利。不計較不計算。瀟灑。作民族打扮的。獨立(無論是經濟或思想方面)。稍有經歷的稍稍複雜的(個人一張白紙咁好難溝通)。好學的。會手作的。真誠的,無論是對朋友或男友或家人。快人快語。心善。氣質型。氣定神閒便已成績憂異(我一直被人話是精英主義)。有趣的。不麻煩。守時。有型。有型的定義是有以上其中數點,已經算有型。


16 則留言:

ah-yun 說...




匿名 說...


iris 說...
iris 說...

ai ya, 我非常同意。但我未做到咁多...


sheungyee 說...




ah-yun 說...



Jing Wong 說...

From the perspective of a guy...
This is the kind of girl you will notice but wouldn't normally/immediately associate with the word 'attractive'... it is the kind of girl you respect and would have a secret kind of adoration and admiration to an extent you find so charming and unusual you don't know how to approach or don't dare approach.
To many guys who are not blessed with enough confidence or talent, this kind of girl is very intimidating because they lack all general traits of the female being - i.e. like unchartered territory.
It is unknown, because they have a level of simplicity on top of their female nature of complexity.
Oh. By the way, I like this kind of girl alot.
Thank you Sheung Yee for being one.

匿名 說...

i concur. that probably is the reason why many of my adorable girlfriends are still staying single. :P
but well i guess, for the girls who possess these characters would not mind waiting for the one who knows how to appreciate them. (dedicated to the one above who lacks confidence.heh)

sheungyee 說...


彼方生活好嗎?吃得好大概其他都不是問題吧 =)

Thanks for being blessed with enough confidence/talent too, heehee, haha! hee...

Pitifully, most guys have missed these precious traits of some girls. We r still lucky though coz we still have each other who know how to appreciate these little things. These principles are not easy to follow, but I still believe that the rite person would find out the uniqueness among these adorable ladies n be charmed! May wisdom grant these guys a pair of 雪亮眼睛 la! (or else they r the only person who suffer) haha...

匿名 說...


ah-yun 說...

> To many guys who are not blessed with enough confidence or talent, this kind of girl is very intimidating

You are exactly right!!! I know for a fact I intimidate a lot of guys. I think the problem is, why do so many guys lack confidence?! So sad!

I also took photos other than food!!! I love to eat (and cook) too!! Yes, I love it here. :)

Jing Wong 說...

Blame the video games for the guys' lack of confidence... and laziness... and so they don't read/study, and the more they procrastinate into the virtual game world to feel useful/gain confidence the more they are detached from the real world...... and it also doesn't help their inter-personal skills too... (I know this is a very very subjective and generalized P.O.V.)
BUT I guess the main problem is:
Guys around/under 28 tends not to notice the beauty of this kind of girl... Guys still go for the superficial flesh... It is still very desire-oriented... well hm... it's in all guys' blood I guess... even if we grow old... we will control it but it will always be there...
what am I talking about?? Any other guys to comment??

iris 說...

to Jing,

ha ha you may be the only loyal male reader of Sam's blog.

I think most often only girls appreciate the above qualities of girls. guys use another standard to judge. guys may find girls who possess the above qualities as good friends. however, they look at other qualities when they fall in love. As long as the girls are pretty, nice, not bitchy, not too clever not too stupid, guys will fall in love with them. They don't particularly like girls with character. Even guys with confidence and talent, may find girls who're simply cleverer, but not necessarily with the above qualities. Many clever guys who have achievement in careers just hang out with clubbing girls. I see a lot in my field.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion. He he...

kristie 說...


sheungyee 說...

係wor K!仲Keep住有人留言。


eieiya 說...

哈。又係我。你說的我大概也中左90%。jing說的對,年紀小一點內在不夠成熟的都不懂得欣賞這一纇型,我的ex及ex ex就是人版。