星期三, 8月 30, 2006

quotes from eddie's blog (again)

a woman's best friend is a diamond or so people say
but if this is true then alot of women are friendless
or maybe the got some C Z or some shit
but i think what girls really want is some genuine love and dedication (he's so charm!)
if u give that in the beginning then anything u give them is a DIAMOND
flowers contain stuff that supposedly has euphoric effects
its scent makes u feel certain ways
it is the simple sign of whut u feel and not the price
like alot of people say IT IS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS
so u millionaire fools stop trying to top the price LEVEL and try to top the emotion LEVEL
and hey i am well off and i dun need a diamond to make mines happy
i jus need to be real and dedicated isn't that so......................?????
congrats to V for keepin it up and pushing thru hard @ work and stopping being SORCHU

he calls ppl sorchu!! envy die! n he just knows what gals need, shit, he's so sweet!

am surfing web again at 3:39, coz' tomoro is the last official day of work, i'll be free by then.


revised: eddie = edison chan

3 則留言:

海海 說...


sheungyee 說...

haha why? hoihoi (siu)

匿名 說...

ho la, BYE..