這是我於20081月1號的鑽牆有感,希望大家新年快樂,身體健康 =)
2 則留言:
had been looking forward to meeting again ever since the first time, but i dont mean to try hard and befriend you, nor am i repenting (!), its just... a crazy anticipation of my own - perhaps you could have even called it an obsession. (dont ask)
it did sting a little at the time, but coming to think about it, it was much better than the slaps across my face i should have been expecting. *grin* and certainly impressed by such directness, all the more reason to like you.
take as much or as little notice of what i write, the praises are genuine, as are the other comments that perhaps need more forgiveness. tho - recent entries do seem constantly love-related.. *blush* and - neither you nor i should be held responsible for the rumours, those who created them will be kicking themselves soon enough.
seems like a while since he's last hung out with you lot, rare to see him enjoying himself like so, despite he's refusal in costume participation~ sighs. -by the way, nice house and rather envious of your bedside lamp! -no worries tho, i shant be taking that.
anyhow, thanks for both coming and the invitation, a beautiful start to the new year, enjoy the chairs and may 2008 be a smoother sail for both of us~