星期四, 1月 31, 2008

sex matters

For the past five thousand years, humans have been trying to save themselves from sex. And the result is that everywhere, in every nook and corner, they are confronted by sex. The Law of Reverse Effect has arrested the collective soul of human beings.
Have you never observed that the mind is pulled toward and hypnotized by the very thing it is trying to avoid? The people who taught human beings to be against sex are responsible for making them sex-obsessed. The preoccupation with sexuality that exists in humans is the result of wrong teachings.
Today we are afraid to discuss sex. Why are we so afraid of this subject? It is because of a fear that humans may become even more sex-obsessed by talking about sex. This notion is totally unfounded, an altogether incorrect notion. This world will onyl be free of sex when we become capable of having a normal and healthy dialogue about it.
It is only by fully understand sex that we will be able to transcend it. Celibacy can be born in the world, humans can go beyond sex, but only through fully understanding sex, fully familiarizing ourselves with it. Human can be free of this force only by fully knowing its meaning, its channels, and its entire your eyes to it. Only a madman can think that the enemy will vanish if he closes his eyes. The ostrich in the desert thinks in this way. The ostrich thrusts his head into the sand and, since he cannot see this enemy anymore, he thinks the enemy is not there. This kind of logic is forgivable in the case of the ostrich, but in humans it is unforgivable.

Osho, Sex matters.

因此大家才又大驚小怪,誰沒拍/看過那些照以及照片內的那些事情呢?Flickr內的 My Little Dead Dick裡patpat跟madi的床上照是我最愛之一,那麼甜蜜那麼快樂,大大方方開開心心,旁人如我看到都有拍的衝動好趁青春留倩影(笑)大膽健康又美,坦誠接受我們身體原來的樣子完全是正確態度,有甚麼問題?而那雙情侶不作愛?願不願意公開/被迫公開是一件事,但觀眾反應愈大,涉事者跟香港傳媒還不是只會更高興,明知大家活在一個如此病態的社會。但話說回來,怎麼會拍得那樣肉酸?!跟友戲言說,相信是假的吧,不然怎麼會燈全亮一點都不浪漫而陳生的眼神跟表情的殺氣像在拍唱片封套,友立即指證我攪錯了,根本主旨是拍AV呀而非作愛,啊,原來是這樣,於是心術不正怎麼拍都核突吧,世上真是咩人都有,咪話唔驚,是真是假根本不是問題所在,是整個社會如何畸形地去反應,看待並處理該事件,而反應了我們的水準,才值得令人反省。很討厭那些女星扮潔癖懶驚訝嫌肉酸的說從來無拍過類似東西,超級煩,本是一件甜蜜美好的私事,不要掩埋眼裝純情,歪曲了件事好不好。掩掩埋埋不就反造就了那些喜歡揭秘的人變態的心理嗎?
如果你同情任何一位事主,無論是陳生或其中一位女星,就不要再傳那些照了,然後這個社會才會稍稍健康起來吧,影得咁衰,我再咸濕都無眼睇,不要問我或send俾我,喜歡性或變態或者份人咸濕,寧願讀the story of an eye好過。

4 則留言:

XexeX 說...


sheungyee 說...


Joyz 說...

哈哈, 謝謝推介 story of eve~
香港人其實好 Q 保守, 才會對這些事大驚小怪. 情況等如大學傻仔玩咸濕 O Camp, 要是平時享有美好性愛, 才不屑 (or not bother to) 玩那些低 B ham sub games~ haha~
同意, 那些相片既無美感可言 (worse still, 鍾欣桐那些應該是女方不知情下的偷拍), 愛迪生陳還要自暴其短/ 幼~ haha

sheungyee 說...

joyz還好嗎?擔心你呢,又知道你應該不是要人擔心的女生,嘻,story of eve好變態呀,你讀了沒?沒讀要給足心理準備呀。
希望你最近的甜可以延續下去吧 =)